Thursday, March 24, 2011

LA Burkhalter: 8th Grade Graduation

Common Schools of the State of Washington

This certifies, that Louis Alfred Burkhalter of District No. 6, County of Pacific, has passed a credentials examination in the subjects of the first eight years of the Common School Course, has maintained a high standing in Department and is therefore granted this

Certificate of Graduation

which entitles the holder to enter any high school in the State without further examination:

The following credits are based on a scale of 100 in each subject:
Reading 72
Spelling 90
Writing 90
Arithmatic 80
Reading Comprehension 83
Grammar 80
Geography 85
Physiology 70
U.S. History and Civics 76
Total 726

Dated this 31st day of May 1910

previously posted November 19, 2010

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