Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hiatus...But Not the End

For any of you readers (are there readers out there?) you may have noticed the photos haven't changed much. My apologies!

My news: I have a new job! And as such my life has gotten a bit crazy as I finish out the last two weeks of work and then begin my new position a week later. But do not worry. I will be back in early August.


P.S. I have gone through most of Uncle Dick's photos and documents. If you have things you'd like to contribute, I'd love to post them. All items will be returned. I will be at the Reunion next weekend, which may be a good time to pass things along.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

WWI Dinner

Photo from LA Burkhalter's WWI Collection


Jack & Dick Burkhalter
early 1940s

Friday, July 8, 2011

In the Park

possibly Hulda May Giesy & Lee Burkhalter

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Among the Roses

Donna Burkhalter
early 1940s

Gone Fishin'

Bob, Dick, and Donna Burkhalter
early 1940s

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Men

August Burkhalter, Little Fretzlic, Pete Anger, friend, Gel Grossen, friend, friend, LA Burkhalter

Hanging Out by a Tree

Doris Burkhalter Thompson
mid 1940s