Thursday, March 4, 2010

The DuBois Family

This is the challenge of this a member of a generation three younger than the photos being shown, I don't know how these people are related to me! Help...

DuBois Family
Father - Name Unknown
Mother - Bertha
Son - Charles
Daughter - Marguerite
Date Unknown 

Charlie DuBois, Pete Anger
Herman Spots (sitting)

Notes from Dick:
"The DuBois Family picture was taken in Switzerland . Charlie migrated to the US as a young man and lived with our family (LA Burkhalters in Raymond/Menlo) from time to time. He never married. His folks keep sending him money to live on but he apparently never held a steady job. Dad wrote them a letter telling them not to send him any more money because he drank it up. He was rather strange.

Donna and I gave him a bad time when we were little. He would pick up foil such as gum wrapper foil and make a ball out of it. Donna and I used to leave gum wrapper here and there and watch him pick it up. Also he rolled up string in a ball. We would follow him around the farm. Kids can be cruel.
Herman Spots, Charlie, and Pete were dad's friends. Picture about 1918."

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